The Blog for Boudoir & Portrait Photographers

Practical and Inspirational Articles to Help You Run A Successful Business

Market your branding photos in a way you probably havenā€™t heard before

Dec 22, 2019

 For those of you that don't know, I am a woman's portrait photographer.  I specialize in boudoir and boudoir is what I shoot 95% of the time. I do, however, market myself as shooting “the three B’s for women”  and that is Boudoir, Beauty, and Branding. In order of preference… Boudoir is my fav, hands down. 

Now the reason I do this is that almost...

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If you must do Mini Sessions- Here is how to run them to make a profit

Dec 16, 2019

If you couldn't tell from the title, I am not a fan of offering mini sessions.  

We all know the story of the photographer who is offering themed mini sessions for $50-$100 including a crazy high amount of digitals. 
Don't be that photographer. You will run yourself ragged and make NO money

I get that the idea is to do a high volume at a lower amount, but you need to remember...

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Working harder is preventing you from Growing your Business

Dec 09, 2019

I want you to really think about what you are doing with your time.  Are you spending it on FB and social media? Are you doing busy work but not work that will move the needle in your business?

There are a couple of popular business people teaching entrepreneurs that you need to hustle to make your business work, and you need to “work your face off” if you want to make real...

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Why You Need a private FB Group, and how to Grow it

Dec 01, 2019

 You may have heard about why you need a group, you may think you only need a group and not a page or a page and not a group.  You may already have both.  

Let’s dig in and figure out what you need and why AND how to grow them and ultimately get BUSINESS from them…

This is a snippet of the full episode (this one is #5)  To hear the details and exclusive...

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How I Accidentally Became a Boudoir Photographer

Nov 14, 2019

People ask all the time "How did you get into boudoir photography?"  so I thought I would share my story here.  This one is a little more vulnerable for me, but I did commit to you that I would be keeping it real in here for ya, so that’s what I’m gonna do!

You are going to hear HOW I actually got into shooting boudoir… it’s a bit of a personal for me,...

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Why You Need to Stop Asking the Opinions of Other Photographers

Nov 12, 2019

Who cares what other photographer think?  

Let's STOP asking other photographers their opinion, I know that may sound counter-intuitive to what you’ve been doing or what you have seen others do, but stopping this will actually help you move forward in your business and help you serve your clients better.

 This is a snippet of the full episode. To hear it in it's entirity,...

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My First Episode and Why This Show Will Be Helpful to You

Nov 10, 2019

 I’ve always wanted to have a podcast but thought it was too hard and scary. But if there's one thing I've learned about running my own business, it’s that I can do hard things.

I tell clients and colleagues and my kids this all the time-JUST GET STARTED, so that is what I am doing here- taking my own advice. 

Spoiler alert: this is super awkward for me, so these first are...

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The #1 Way to Get Your Boudoir Clients to Trust You

Oct 14, 2019

I’m going to give you some tough love today so put on your big girl/boy pants, friend.

You ready?

You are building a lucrative, kick-ass photography studio that people will eventually join a wait list to get into.

You love watching the faces of your clients when they see their images for the first time and realize their beauty.

So listen to me:

put down that phone and get yourself in...

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Why You Should Never Offer FREE Shoots.

Sep 24, 2019

You are just starting out, you need to build a portfolio so you can post it on social media or your website to show people you are in business and what you offer?

So you ask anyone and everyone if you can shoot them for free, right? 


This is one of the most asked questions I get and here is why you should NEVER give away free shoots (and what you can do INSTEAD...

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