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Working harder is preventing you from Growing your Business


I want you to really think about what you are doing with your time.  Are you spending it on FB and social media? Are you doing busy work but not work that will move the needle in your business?

There are a couple of popular business people teaching entrepreneurs that you need to hustle to make your business work, and you need to “work your face off” if you want to make real money in your business.  

I am here to tell you that it is just not true.  And I am not alone. There are plenty of successful entrepreneurs (actually super successful entrepreneurs) who feel the same way, that you should not be sacrificing your time and sometimes your health to make your business work.

Now don’t get me wrong.  I am not saying running your own business is easy. And I am SO not saying that you don't need to do work… and yes, sometimes it’s a lot of work...and you MAY be hustling and working your face off… I just don't want that to be the goal. I want you to have a plan to get to a place where you don't need to work like that always and forever.  I need there to be a light at the end of the tunnel for you.

If you've read to one of my other blog posts you probably already know that I am a big advocate for working less and making more money, and I know you are thinking:  

Sign me up- that sounds awesome, but HOW exactly do I work less and make more money?  

This is a snippet of the full episode. To hear the details and exclusive content, head to the Profitable Portraits Podcast here (This is episode 6)

What I am proposing you do, as an entrepreneur and CEO of your business, is to get yourself out of the weeds.  To stop doing “busy work” and spend your time on the things that you should be doing to generate more business and move the needle forward in your studio. 

YOU should not be doing the “busy” work.  

You should be doing the work that will get you, clients.

Want to know how? Listen to the full episode here



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