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The Blog for Boudoir & Portrait Photographers

Practical and Inspirational Articles to Help You Run A Successful Business

Ready to grow your business? Then spend some damn money!

Oct 16, 2020

If you want to make money in your business you need to learn how to spend money.

Now before you say "I can't afford it", know that the business owners who are running six and even seven figure businesses and beyond,
ARE spending money on a regular basis, so they can make money. They know that’s what you need to do to grow and scale their businesses.

So think of it this way, if you want a...

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Why You Need to Stop Asking the Opinions of Other Photographers

Nov 12, 2019

Who cares what other photographer think?  

Let's STOP asking other photographers their opinion, I know that may sound counter-intuitive to what you’ve been doing or what you have seen others do, but stopping this will actually help you move forward in your business and help you serve your clients better.

 This is a snippet of the full episode. To hear it in it's entirity,...

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