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The Blog for Boudoir & Portrait Photographers

Practical and Inspirational Articles to Help You Run A Successful Business

A Simple Price List for Higher Sales

Apr 10, 2020

Here is a simple way to set up your price list.  It's what I've been doing since 2014.  It’s different than most photographers, but I know there are some who do it SORT OF how I do it… but after being in business since 2011… I have finally perfected how I structure my pricing.   

The key for me is to make it simple.  Really simple. Remember, a...

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Caring for your business in Turbulent Times (For Photographers)

Apr 01, 2020

Times are crazy. Lots of things are changing and we are not sure what happens next. A lot has changed very quickly and there is not a lot we can do about that. Things are out of our control right now. The only thing we CAN control is how we react. But it's hard to keep it together when we are uncertain when we will be able to get back to shooting (and making money). So what do we do? The most...

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My First Episode and Why This Show Will Be Helpful to You

Nov 10, 2019

 I’ve always wanted to have a podcast but thought it was too hard and scary. But if there's one thing I've learned about running my own business, it’s that I can do hard things.

I tell clients and colleagues and my kids this all the time-JUST GET STARTED, so that is what I am doing here- taking my own advice. 

Spoiler alert: this is super awkward for me, so these first are...

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