Are You Ready for Your Profitable Business?
If you are a PORTRAIT photographer who is tired of the struggle.
There IS an easier way!
you CAN enjoy a full calendar and make thousands per client.
It's time to Get Booked and Get Paid.
YES! I NEED to stop the Struggle!I WAS READY TO QUIT
After 4 years of struggling, I was ready to give up on my boudoir business dream and go back to a soul-sucking 9-5.
I couldn't find clients. I was working like crazy and not making money.I had no IDEA why a few are wildly successful -
while most struggle, burnout or quit their dream after only a few years!
I knew something HAD to change
Do you need a new (simpler) way to build a multi 6-figure business without selling your soul?
Yeah- same.
I needed to stop:
The perpetual ‘find-client struggle’
Trying to book anyone who reached out
Giving my time away for free
I was determined to build a sustainable biz that would work for ME and my family
This was when I realized that if I could just find more clients willing to pay for a luxury experience (instead of trying to be busier) it would change the game for me.
So I tried it, and it worked!
Eventually I started calling it The Growth Method, because it really was an easier way to run my business without burning out
By the end of that year, things were different.
I went from making ZERO money, to over $400k in sales in that first year
Imagine you could...
Finally Nail Your Pricing
With an easy to understand price list that will result in higher sales - instead of wasting MORE time trying to get it right
BEFORE you even pick up your camera, to avoid last minute cancellations and no-shows.
Find Your Ideal Clients
Get more inquiries and enjoy a full calendar of people who are happy to pay your [new] higher prices
This is your Business Evolution!
Using my Growth Method you will finally have a comprehensive system for pricing, marketing and growing your business with consistent and profitable bookings.
This is the "real-world-tested" program for photographers who are fed up with over-complicated strategies.
Yes, I Want This >>>As Seen on...
So - What's Included?
We start with the end in mind.
This module is all about your numbers. Even if numbers "are not your thing", this module makes it easy to figure out.
You will understand how to price and what your income goals are. Most importantly, you will learn how to get your client to pay those prices.
Module Highlights:
- How much should your session fee be?
- Price yourself in a way that maximizes profitability without being a total turn off for your ideal client.
- Should you get paid BEFORE the photo shoot?
- How and when to introduce your prices
Marketing can be scary. I get that. Where are your clients? How do you even talk to them when you do find them?
In this module you will get crystal clear on who your client is and find the people who are willing to pay your prices (yes, they are out there!)
Module Highlights:
- Understand your ideal client so that you can "speak" to them in a way that makes them want to spend with you.
- Solidify your brand identity so clients reach out to you, instead of you chasing them
- Simple ways to build trust with your potential clients.
Raise your hand if this sounds like you:
You have clients at different stages (inquiry, booked, follow up, after shoot) and you are having a hard time keeping track of where you are with each client. You are wasting time and dropping the ball with inquiries.
Module Highlights:
Gain the confidence of what to do (& say) each step of the way. Your clients feel comfortable and you feel organized.
- Easy to implement workflows for every stage of your interaction with your clients
- Follow up with inquiries and turn more leads to booked clients
PLUS You Get:
Done-for-you Email and Phone Scripts: to convert cold leads to booked sessions
- Done-for-You Pricing Templates & Spreadsheets: Just add your numbers
- How to Get Raving Testimonials: Easily get killer written and video testimonials PLUS Google and FB ratings
- Your Facebook Group Kickstarter: Ideas & posts to create engagement and grow your group)
- My Complete Client Workflow: From inquiry to paid and beyond (what to do and send when)
The Ultimate Guide to In-Person Sales
How to run a successful IPS session without feeling pushy or salesy (yuck!) Including exactly what to say.
It's not as scary as you may think!
Why Work With Me?
I have been a women's portrait photographer (specializing in boudoir) since 2011.
I remember how it feels to have no bookings, no inquiries and no sales.
After a LOT of trial and error, I have found a system that really works - my studio now generates multiple 6 figures, with an average sale of $5,000 per client!
It's not hard or complicated - it really works.
You will get access to my FULL blueprint and Growth Method which has not only worked for me, but for hundreds of other photographers just like you.
Here's Why You're Gonna Love This Program
No Fluff
For real. I hate having to sift through a bunch of meh.
Profitable Portraits is the the stuff you need. And no fluff
Step By Step
I want you to see success right away, that's why if you follow the program,
and do the work, you will have results. Period.
Done For You
My scripts. My Emails. My Price List. My Workflow.
Stop spending time figuring out what to say & do. You get it all- I got you.
Actual Results
The program works. It's worked for me for years, and it's what has worked for hundreds of students as well. Why not you too?
It's the same system I'm using today to generate over $5k per client
Frequently Asked Questions
If this is worth over $6300 why are you offering it for such a low price? [CLICK to read]
I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the things I'm going to need to learn and excute inside this program. Are you sure I can do this?
Can't I figure this all out myself for free?
I am just starting my portrait business, will this course be too advanced for me?
When I join, will I get immediate access to all the lessons and modules?
But Don't Take My Word For It....
My Personal Guarantee To You
Profitable Portraits comes with a 100% money-back guarantee... but not only that...I promise you will gain incredible new skills and marketing know-how.
Your photographer friends will envy the growth you've gone through after taking this course (and the money you will be making!)
If you aren't satisfied, I wouldn't feel right keeping your money.
I do only want serious action-takers, so you need to show that you gave the program a try before requesting a refund. I'm not looking for tire kickers, but true go-getters that want to dive in and get results quickly.
Simply show e your work within 7 days and I'll gladly give you a refund.
I'm not even gonna ask for all that newly gained business insight and strategies back ;-)
This program WILL work if you do!
YES! I NEED THIS COURSEThat's it. That's all I got...